Digital Banking

Our colaboratives

Balance work and family life

For us it is vital to promote among employees balance work and family life to achieve comprehensive development; To do this, we conduct practices as family Friday, which allows them to take the afternoon on the third Friday of each month with the aim of having more time living with his family, also we grant permits to pay for them attend to family matters.

Maternity Care

We foster a maternity and nursing culture, by distributing the books: “Guide for a healthy pregnancy” and “Learning to become  parents”. 

Similarly, we have breast-feeding rooms  at the head office and at any branch office on request. 

10 books “Guide for a Healthy Pregnancy” were distributed among collaborators during 2015.






Medical Service

There is a medical office at the Central Office that treats health problems or emergency cases and is available to all employees who may require it. In addition, diverse disease prevention programs are offered through the medical service:

More than 3,500 medical consults have been provided, avoiding more than 1,600 days of employee absenteeism in the course of three years. 

• Know your numbers Campaign
At our Central Office and our branch offices in Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Ajijic we have implemented the “Know your Numbers” campaign, which consists in carrying out medical tests in order to measure the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, as well as atherogenetic and glucose  indexes and subsequently implementing medical and nutritional assessments. 
As a result, the “We Are There For You” program was created in order to follow up on the Medical Services of those employees who presented high risk results.

467 employees were benefited from the “Know your numbers” program in 2014.

• VRIM  Medical Discount Cards

We offer a preferential price on VRIM Cards for employees and immediate relatives, through which they have access to high-quality medical services at low cost, as well as discounts in laboratories and pharmacies. 

120 employees were benefited by the VRIM card in 2014.

• Healtcare Campaigns 

With the purpose of providing our employees with a high quality of life, during 2014, we implemented a campaign against cancer through presentations and talks about the prevention of the different types of cancer (breast, cervical, colon, skin, prostate and lung). As part of this campaign, Prostate-Specific Antigen tests and breast ultrasound and mammograms were implemented. This benefit was extended to employees’ spouses.

6 talks about cancer prevention were presented. 
189 lab work tests were carried out between employees and family members.

• Vaccination Campaign

In 2014 we carried out the vaccination campaign against the flu at no cost to the employees, which was also available for their immediate relatives at a preferential price. Furthermore, service personnel (PBI, maintenance and cleaning staff) received the flu vaccine at no cost. 

408 vaccines against the flu were applied to employees, family members and external personnel.

Good Nutrition

We promote healthy eating, through internal communication campaigns.

Therefore, thanks to the strong commitment to health promotion and practices that promote the strengthening of the quality of life of its employees, Monex was first recognized as Healthy Responsible Organization, in the second stage, "Development".

This distinctive ORS® is a recognition by the Government of the Federal District and the Secretariat of Health of Mexico City, in collaboration with the Council for the Prevention of Obesity and the Business Council for Health and Welfare organizational effort that honors you get compliance and monitoring of specific indicators on prevention, health promotion and generation of welfare in the workplace.

Stress Management

Through this Creating Wellbeing sub-program, we promote physical activity among our employees, through the following programs:  

• Fitness Sessions

Fitness classes are given at the Central Office (Cross Training, Yoga and Power Dance), with the purpose of improving the employees’ health, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships and lowering stress levels. Likewise, employees are encouraged to participate in different physical activities such as: internal tournaments, games, athletic races, among others.

606 hours of fitness classes have been given. 
During the last three years, more than 742 employees, their friends and family members have participated in the different activities.

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
 Monex cares not only about the physical health of its employees, but also their mental and psychological wellness , therefore we offer a free and confidential service that provides emotional, legal and financial help in situations that may affect the employee and his/her immediate family members.

Safety in the Workplace

Safety conditions in the workplace have an influence on the entire organization and also have an impact on the employees’ quality, productivity and risk-free working standards.

Our offices are set up considering the highest of safety and accessibility standards both for employees and visitors.

We foster a risk prevention culture, through the development of different policies, practices and communication campaigns, among which we highlight the Emergency Management Program (building evacuation, first aid and fire prevention) made up by volunteer employees, who are prepared and trained to act in case of natural disasters or accidents. In addition, specialized service providers are also trained on how to act in those situations.

In 2014, 64 employees were trained as brigade members, as well as 100 specialized service providers.


Our Talent Management and Integration processes are a fundamental base of our organizational strategy and are free of all discrimination, therefore all hiring and promotion procedures are carried out according to personnel policies, which are adhered to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasizing on the fact that we do not hire under age workers and we do not assert any type of forced or mandatory labor.

Among the recruiting sources that we use, we highlight electronic media and Job Posting which encourages existing Group employees to apply for available job positions before turning to external media.

In 2014, 218 jobs were created, which equals a 12% growth.

Monex establishes the commitment to respect human rights, promote equal opportunities and promotion allow access to employment without discrimination, eliminate sexual and workplace harassment; promoting non-discrimination between men and women; and support gender equality, through the development of positive and / or on behalf of staff, who develop and maintain a healthy and harmonious working environment, balanced with personal and family life of his personal actions.


For us it is extremely important to develop talented personnel according to our strategic training program, where we not only seek to improve the technical and operational abilities of our staff but also promote their professional and personal growth.

In 2014, 2,309 employees were trained, investing 50,039 hours and offering 745 training courses.

More than 9 million pesos were invested for training in 2014.

At Monex we not only focus on our employees having the appropriate work tools, adequate training and suitable safety standards, we also want them to achieve a healthy balance between their work and personal life through useful and comprehensible information that explain how their finances work. 

For this purpose, an internal campaign called “wanting and watching your money” was implemented in 2014, which aims to foster good general expense planning, savings mechanisms and also encourages the best way to manage credit sources.