Digital Banking

Fixed Income

Money market

Agility to diversify your income

What is the money market?

Money market, also known as debt market, is an option you may consider if you want to be swift with your investments.

From all the available money market instruments, this is characterized as being the best option for the investor who has liquidity surpluses, as it offers flexible timeframes to access your resources in order to fulfill your obligations.

The money earns yields similar to or above inflation levels and does not lose its value over time. 

Your investor profile will define your risk aversion and investment horizon, that is to say, either a short or long term investment strategy, as well as your money market risk tolerance

From the money market and its instruments, investors may choose between:

Government debt: Lower yields, exposed to lower risk.                                                                                                                                                                                               

Corporate debt: Higher yields, exposed to greater risk.              


Yields above or similar to inflation and does not lose value over time

Access to debt securities issued by the Federal Government, Financial Institutions, Companies and Securitization processes.

Wide diversity in terms, type of rate (fixed or variable) and currency, which will help you properly diversify your investment.